Cal Reiet’s healthy recipes: tumbet

Tumbet VG/GF 

In this vegan recipe, some of the most traditional products of Mallorcan orchards, such as aubergine, potato, pepper and tomato, are gathered. Do not be discouraged by its long preparation … the result is very worthwhile.

4 servings

700gr Potato in 0,75 cm slices
700gr zuchinni in 0,75 cm slices
500gr eggplant in 0,75 cm slices soaked in filtered water and salt 30 minutes.
500gr red bell pepper without seeds in 2 cm dices.
3 garlic cloves
500 ml cold pressed olive oil

Tomato sauce:

2k pear tomato chopped in 1 cm dices.
1 small onion (140 gr)
1 garclic peeled and finely chopped
1 tsp of thyme
1 tsp oregano
2 bay leaves
2 tbsp cold pressed olive oil
½ tsp of marine salt
½ tsp of fresh grounded black pepper


Make the tomato sauce. In a pan, sauteé the garlic and the onion for 5 minutes on a médium fire. Add the tomato and the rest of the ingredients and cook in a low fire for one hour. Pass the sauce through a food mill and cook for 1 hour more on a low fire.
While the tomato sauce is cooking, you can start with the veggies. Heat the oil on a medium-high fire (take care, don`t burn it!) in a big-medium pan, add the garlics and fry first the potatoes, then the zuchinni, the eggplant and the red bell pepper. Add a pinch of salt every time you fry new veggies. Drain well all the veggies and in a baking dish distribute the layers, first at the bottom the potato, then the zuchinni, the eggplant, the red bell pepper and finally the tomato sauce. Bake It for 60 minutes 130º and serve. This is a summer dish, you can serve it at room temeperature or hot.