Cal Reiet Yoga retreat Rejuveate Emotions Mallorca


What a beautiful subject to dedicate some time and thought to our emotions. Through my work and my experiences, my conditioning and my beliefs I have learnt much and am…
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Cal Reiet Mallorca Patience


Everyone knows. How often have we heard the well meant advice, and have said it ourselves, “just be patient”. We know it to be true, we know that time will…
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kindness self discovery cal reiet holistic retreat santanyi mallorca


I would like to talk about kindness in the way the Buddhists approach it with their practice of Loving Kindness. I have learned to understand the importance of this practice…
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Cal Reiet’s healthy recipes: tumbet

Tumbet VG/GF  In this vegan recipe, some of the most traditional products of Mallorcan orchards, such as aubergine, potato, pepper and tomato, are gathered. Do not be discouraged by its…
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Summer Yoga Academy at Cal Reiet

2019 is filled with exciting news for us at Cal Reiet. We’re currently working on several projects that we will be thrilled to share with all of you as soon…
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