Healthy recipes by Cal Reiet: beetroot raviolis with cashew cheese

This is a very fresh vegan dish, that is simple and original. When adding the vegan cheese and cashewnuts, we get a balanced recipe that is healthy and full of proteins and good fats. 

4 servings


150gr of fresh harvested greens or lettuce

24 slices of beetroot of 2-3 mm (cut it with mandoline or a sharped knife)

12 tsp of cashew cheese (see recipe below)

12 tsp of plum vinaigrette

1 cup sprouts

Ingredients for the cashew cheese:

140 grs. of raw cashews soaked minimum 2 hours (better overnight)

1 tbsp of nutritional yeast

2 tbsp of lemon juice

2 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil

1 pinch of salt

1 pinch of black pepper

Filtered water



For the cashew cheese, blend all the ingredients until smooth. Add some water if you need it.

Ingredients for the plum vinaigrette:

200 grs. of chopped ripe plum.

70 grs. red onion finely chopped

80 grs. red bell pepper finely chopped

80 grs. green pepper finely chopped

3 tbsp of lemon juice

2 tbsp of rice syrup or any syrup

4 tbsp of cold pressed olive oil

2 tbsp of almendra tostada en láminas

½ tsp of salt

½ tsp of fresh grounded black pepper


Mix all the vinaigrette ingredients and reserve. To set up one dish arrange the green leaves and put on the top 3 slices of the beetroot. Top every beetroot slice with a teaspoon of the cheese and cover it with the other 3 beetroot slices. Top them with a fully teaspoon of plum vinaigrette and decorate with the sprouts.