Equilibrium, the ultimate retreat

“We are on a mission; a mission to change people’s lives through a long term balanced approach of movement, spirituality and nourishment, for lasting health, happiness and wellness”.

There are many retreats being held all over the world right now. At this very moment ‘retreaters’ are being subjected to intense regimes of exercise and strict dietary control having escaped their busy, stressful lives for a week or two of health and fitness indulgence.

But what happens after the retreat? When the bags have been packed and it’s back to the 9-5 job? Soon the memories of a retreat seem like a past dream and any hopes of maintaining the feelings of health and wellness experienced on the retreat are fleeting, then gone.

It was this reality that prompted Alice and me to combine our respective expertise in medicine and fitness & nutrition to offer something quite different from the usual retreat experience. We feel a strong passion for helping others and wanted to create something to educate people in making real, long term lifestyle changes so they can enjoy a rich and fulfilling life – one full of health and longevity.

This is the underpinning message and the Equilibrium ethos and something we feel very strongly about.

As a medical doctor Alice sees patients every day who end up in the emergency department as a result of neglecting their bodies and living unhealthy lifestyles.

How can we prevent this? A little knowledge goes a long way.

But firstly why do we always search for the cure before looking at the cause – the pill instead of the abstinence? Why is this?

It is because everybody wants the quick fix. The easy route.

But health is a journey, a marathon not a sprint. We lay daily, the foundations of our future health and wellness. Will we choose energy, vitality and calm? Or will we choose fatigue, inflammation and disease?

Our bodies are the most incredible instruments and tools we will ever find. It is up to us to look after it. As Jim Rohn said:

“ Take care of your body. It is the only place you have to live.”

In a world where preventable diseases are the leading causes of death it is more important than ever to look after our bodies and optimise our health. It is our responsibility to ourselves, to our children and to the doctors and nurses who have to fix us after we have abused and neglected our bodies for years on end.

Today is the day to make a change.

Take control of YOUR health. It will be the best investment you ever make.

Yours in health,

Tom & Alice


To book your place for ‘Equilibrium’, taking place from the 8th of June to the 14th of June at Cal Reiet, please click here!