
There is something about the beginning of the year that inspires the notion of potential.

A feeling like we’ve been given a second chance, a clean slate, a fresh page. And on this white canvas the possibilities seem vast and promising.

I love this time of the year in which the stark contrast of the barren and cold nature to the bloom that is bound to come, speaks of chances and promising potential.
Only two months ago we were reflecting upon another year, turning inward to digest, integrate and slow down. The focus was on making sense of that which had past and taking the energy that summer exuberates back to ourselves for a winter rest.

Now, just two months later, there is a new cycle starting, one of looking out again, re-orientating ourselves, dreaming of the future, setting new goals, and looking out for the first signs of spring to jump start us back into motion.

An enchanting taste of this movement is the almond blossom season that is currently sprouting in Mallorca. This tender emerging of delicate petals out of barren buds is the perfect embodiment of how potential realises itself in nature, shyly breaking out of a hard, protective shell. First fragile, soon lush.

Every year is marvel at how nature guides us through the seasons, setting the tone through it’s colours and temperatures, its expansion and contraction, it’s inert balance.
If only we could trust it’s pace, learn from it’s rhythm, and surrender to it’s wisdom. We could simply relax and enjoy the ride.

We would believe in our intrinsic potential and carry it to terms undeterred, certain of the capacities that lay within us.

Just like the almond blossoms, the hydrangea, the orchid or the rose, we’d patiently wait for our time to flourish, not questioning the if nor the how, but yielding to the when. Without doubt or force, with just a little patience, some perseverance and the knowledge and faith in the power and value of our essence.

I hope you all had a beautiful February and are getting yourselves ready to let your buds crack open, when the time comes for you to shine.