Healthy recipes by Cal Reiet: Vegetable mille fuille

Today we’d like to share an easy, delicious and healthy recipe with all of you: let’s cook our vegetable mille fuille!

Healthy recipes by Cal Reiet: vegetable mille fuille

Preparation time: 30 minutes / 4 servings / Starter / Serving temperature: Warm


1 whole beet, roasted and peeled
¼ sweet pumpkin, peeled
1 white or green zucchini
2 tablespoons Balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons roasted pumpkin seeds
1 handful Wild Nut Leaves
4 tablespoons Turmeric dressing
4 tablespoons Mouse spinach and truffle


1- Roast a beet wrapped in aluminum foil in an oven at 180 degrees for 45 minutes. Then peel it and cut it into 2 millimeter slices.
2- Cut the part of the pumpkin without seeds into 2 millimeter slices and roast it on a griddle.
3- Cut the zucchini lengthwise into 2-millimeter slices and roast it on a griddle.
4- Make layers of vegetables interspersed with the spinach mouse: Beetroot – Mouse – Pumpkin – Mouse – Zucchini.
5- Dress with the turmeric dressing, extra olive oil, the leaves of the wild nut.
6- Finish with the roasted pumpkin seeds, the Balsamic vinegar reduction and the flaked salt.

Ingredients (Spinach Mouse)

1 bunch of fresh and organic spinach
¼ cup Almond milk
10 basil leaves
C / N Salt and pepper
Optional: A few drops of truffle oil


1- In a pot with boiling salted water, cook the spinach leaves very briefly, just a few seconds.
2- Remove and drain well from the water.
3- Crush with the rest of the ingredients until obtaining the texture of a paste or ‘mouse’.
4- Reserve for your use.
5- If we use it in a gas siphon, we will achieve a well-ventilated texture.

Ingredients (turmeric dressing)

1 tablespoon Turmeric powder
1/8 cup extra virgin olive oil
½ lemon (its juice)
1 tablespoon tahini paste
¼ cup almond milk
½ peeled garlic clove
½ peeled shallot
Salt and pepper


1- Crush all the ingredients until you get a sauce.
2- Reserve in a refrigerator until use.
