Healthy recipes by Cal Reiet – Summer porridge

If you love porridge but don’t fancy having it warm in the midst of summer, here is a great way to use it for a healthy and nutritional breakfast within 5 minutes. Try this recipe with your favourite fruit and discover your favourite combinations. We love to have it with fresh figs. You’ll let us know what your fruit of choice is.

4 servings

300 grs gluten free oat flakes
800 ml home made almond milk
½ tsp cinnamon poder
4 seeds of fresh cardamom
1 stick of cinnamon
2 tbsp of rice or agave syrup
150 grs of fresh blackberries


Put the oat flakes in a large bowl and add homemade almond milk. Stir well and add a cinnamon stick, the cinnamon powder and cardamom seeds. Leave to rest for a minimum of two hours. You can also put the oats soak the night before. Before serving, pour it into a clean bowl, add blueberries and rice syrup, pouring it in circles over the porridge without mixing it in.
Sirve cold or at room temperature.